Start for the decode assignment
#second you need to write a decode function
def decode(line): #write the code to decode the message #remember to use ord() and chr() pass #First thing is to connect to the file and read it. file = open('message.txt', 'r') for line in file: #Call your decode function here print line Period 3 Pig Latin Translator
#Pig Latin translator
#igpay atinLay anslatortray #(practice string slicing, and lists) def pigify(word): vowel = 0 for letter in word: if letter in 'aeiouyAEIOUY': start = word[:vowel] end = word[vowel:] return end+start+'ay' vowel+=1 words = ['Why', 'Panther', 'Turtle', 'Troy', 'Eraser', 'Wow', 'You', 'Music', 'Try', 'Dragon', 'Thirst', 'Thrust', 'Dynamic', 'Walrus', 'Symmetry', 'Dunces', 'Certification', 'Screen'] for word in words: print word, pigify(word) Period 4 Pig Latin Translator
#pig latin translator
#igpay atinlay anslatortray def pigify(word): for c in range(len(word)): if word[c] in 'aeiouyAEIOUY': start = word[:c] end = word[c:] return end+start+"ay" words = ['racist','chair', 'potato', 'word', 'phat', 'strong', 'thrust', 'best', 'frog', 'aardvark', 'anteater', 'brown', 'white', 'giraffe', 'annoying'] for word in words: print pigify(word) while True: word = raw_input("enter a word ") print pigify(word) Prime number checking function
#Boolean Function to test Prime numbers
def is_prime(number): half = number/2 if not number==2: if number%2==0: return False for odd in range(3,half,2): if number%odd==0: return False return True print "2: ", is_prime(2) print "3: ", is_prime(3) print "5: ", is_prime(5) print "61: ", is_prime(61) print "291: ", is_prime(291) print "321543: ", is_prime(321543) Slope Intercept Drawing function
from turtle import *
import random colormode(255) width(4) speed(0) #funciton to draw a line in slope-intercept form def graph_slope_intercept(m, b): up() for x in range(-50, 50): y = m*x + b goto(x,y) down() #study changing slope for m in range(-200,200,20): red = random.randint(0,255) green = random.randint(0,255) blue = random.randint(0,255) pencolor(red,green,blue) graph_slope_intercept(m/100.0, 0) #study changing intercept for b in range(-200,200,20): red = random.randint(0,255) green = random.randint(0,255) blue = random.randint(0,255) pencolor(red,green,blue) graph_slope_intercept(1/2.0*-1, b) graph_slope_intercept(1/2.0, b) input("stop it by hitting enter") Random Triangles
from turtle import *
import random p = Pen() colormode(255) def randcolor(pen): red = random.randint(0,255) green = random.randint(0,255) blue = random.randint(0,255) pen.pencolor(red, green, blue) def triangle(pen, length, x, y): w = random.randint(3,10) randcolor(pen) pen.width(w) pen.up() pen.goto(x,y) pen.down() pen.fd(length) pen.right(120) pen.fd(length) pen.right(120) pen.fd(length) nextangle = random.randint(10,170) pen.left(nextangle) #Review Loops #iterate: repeat or loop for counter in range(3,100): length = random.randint(100, 300) x = random.randint(-300,300) y = random.randint(-300,300) triangle(p, length, x, y) input("U is better than Y") |
The whole heart
#Happy Valentines Day.
from turtle import * from math import * fillcolor('red') pencolor('black') width(10) #This code positions the starting point up() x = -pi/2 y = sin(x) goto(y*50, x*50) x += .01 down() #this code draws the right side of the heart begin_fill() while x <= pi/2: y = sin(x) goto(y*50, x*50) x += .01 left(90) circle(50, 180) up() x = -pi/2 y = sin(x) goto(y*50, x*50) x += .01 down() left(90) begin_fill() while x <= pi/2: y = sin(x) goto(y*-50-100, x*50) x += .01 left(90) circle(-50, 180) end_fill() input('Happy Valentines Day') Mean, Median, Mode
ACT_scores = [345,345,3462,34,34,234,2,34,34]
#Mean------------------------- total = sum(ACT_scores) amount = len(ACT_scores) mean = total/float(amount) print "mean:", mean #Median----------------------- ACT_scores.sort() middle = len(ACT_scores)/2 median = ACT_scores[middle] print "median:", median #Mode-------------------------number most low = min(ACT_scores) high = max(ACT_scores) mode = 0 max_count = 0 for num in range(low,high): count = ACT_scores.count(num) if max_count < count: max_count = count mode = num print "mode:",mode Drawing Program
#Note: To run this program open the interpreter and type "from draw import *"
from turtle import * ondrag(goto) def jump(x, y): pu(); goto(x,y); pd() onscreenclick(jump) shape("circle") pensize(5) for n in "0123456789": onkey(lambda c=int(n): pensize(2*c+1), n) listen() speed(0) pencolor("blue") Random Pentagons
from turtle import * #direct import
import random #indirect import import math p = Pen() p.speed(10) colormode(255) p.width(5) #Loops (iteration) def pentagon(p, len, x, y): red = random.randint(0,255) green = random.randint(0,255) blue = random.randint(0,255) p.pencolor(red, green, blue) p.up() p.goto(x, y) p.down() for side in range(5): p.fd(len) p.right(72) for dum in range(3,200): x = random.randint(-300, 300) y = random.randint(-300, 300) len = random.randint(5,20) pentagon(p, len*10, x, y) input("I have a ferrari") |