Alveyworld Computer Basics
- Customize Dock
For each app you open control-click the Dock icon and select Options - "Keep in Dock"
Use Chrome as your default web browser app
Remove apps from Dock by dragging them off the Dock onto the desktop
Saving your work
Save your important files online using your school google drive, local files might not be saved.
Login to Google file stream on your computer and save all your important files to your drive
Using Apps on Mac OS X
Look in the top left corner to see which app is active (closing a window doesn't close the app)
Find files and apps using the spotlight (top right corner, looks like a magnifying glass)
Useful shortcut keys
Copy is Command - c
Paste is Command - v
Undo is Command - z
Quit is Command-q (quits an app)
Switch Apps is Command-Tab (shows all open apps)
(In general apple uses the command key the same way windows use the control key)
Logging Out
Click the apple in the top left corner to logout
Do not click the right side to open login window, this will leave you logged in and slow down the computer!